It’s morning, which means it’s time to prepare coffee. However, you notice there is a film on top of the coffee when you lift it to your lips. Do those imply that your coffee beans are no longer good? The good news is that there will usually be an oil film on top of coffee.
Coffee scum is the unpleasant moniker given by scientists to the coffee oils that collect on the surface of your coffee. Despite the obscene name, it is not something filthy or repulsive. On the contrary, the natural coffee oils from freshly roasted coffee beans look like coffee scum when they rise to the top of the cup.
However, it doesn’t mean all coffee scum comes from the beans, as some coffee makers may deposit a layer onto your coffee because of water, etc. Experts say it’s not harmless and comprises calcium carbonate and other minerals.
However, in our guide, you can learn more about this oily film and how to get rid of it if you don’t like it. By the end, you’ll see how to make the perfect cup of black coffee or espresso and clean your coffee machine so that nothing will put you off your morning coffee. (Learn How To Cool Down Coffee Fast)
Why Is There An Oily Skin On Top Of My Coffee?
The film that forms on top of the liquid when oil rises is known as coffee scum. They consist of the brewing technique, water temperature (and occasionally water hardness), roast type, coffee bean quality, and filter type.
Types of Roasting
More oil appears because the bean is exposed to heat for extended periods during roasting. Lighter roast coffee is frequently less likely to have a film than dark roasts. You may notice more film if the beans are darkly roasted since these oils are brought to the bean’s surface.
The amount of oil in various varieties of roasted coffee beans varies. For instance, flame-roasted coffee beans tend to be richer in unsaturated fat, which may cause more coffee scum to appear after brewing.
Burnt roasted coffee beans have a bitter taste and emit many fatty acids because of the intense burning process. The coffee brew that has been slowly roasted has a smoother, less bitter flavor and has less oil residue.
Age of Coffee
While roasting a bean can release its wonderful natural oils, storing it for an extended period in your pantry oxidizes the beans and makes them go bad; the resulting oil also has a more bitter flavor.
Because of variations in manufacture, higher-grade coffee beans typically have less oil. Therefore, the scum is not always a sign of a poor cup of coffee.
Because they are frequently slowly roasted, high-quality coffee beans release less oil. The outcome will be your morning cup of Joe is less likely to have film on top.
Brewing Methods
The amount of coffee scum you see can vary depending on how you make your coffee. For instance, drip brewing, which employs a filter, is less likely to result in a film.
Other techniques, such as the French press or Turkish coffee, are more likely to result in coffee that is filmy and greasy since they frequently do not employ filters and are brewed at extremely high temperatures.
Water Temperature
Let’s say you brew your coffee with boiling water using a pour-over method. You might see more coffee scum since the coffee’s molecules are better able to connect because of the greater temperature.
Because of the oil’s insoluble nature, the other molecules don’t “mix” but ascend to the top.
Hard Water Area
Your coffee may have more film on top if you live somewhere with hard water.
This is because hard water contains more minerals than soft water. So, to allow the oil to float to the top, minerals like calcium rise bonds with the fatty acids released by the coffee beans.
To be clear, it doesn’t encourage the growth of more coffee scum; instead, it makes it much more apparent. (Read What Food Group Is Coffee)
Coffee Filter Type
The simplest way to avoid that sheen of oil on top of your coffee is to use a brewing method with a filter. But not all coffee filters are created equal. Try a different filter if you use a filter and still have coffee scum.
A filter that incorporates activated charcoal is typically the most effective type. This prevents biological contaminants from entering your cup of coffee by bonding to them.
They are effective at lowering the risk of coffee scum because they contain lipids like those in coffee beans.
Therefore filter-free coffee brewing techniques are more likely to produce a film layer of oil on top of your cup.
How To Brew Coffee Without Film On Top
Here are a few ways to help prevent this oily layer from forming on the top of your morning coffee.
Use Fresh Beans
A glossy dark bean is common because of the oils produced during the roasting process, but if you find a glossy light roast, it’s a good idea to avoid it because it might just be stale.
When shopping, it’s best to use your nose and remember a bean with a beautiful aroma typically creates a superb drink you’ll enjoy.
Use a Water Softener and Paper Filters
Even though you could spend the rest of your life purchasing bottled water or distilled, that gets expensive.
Investing in a quality water softener will aid in lowering the calcium content of your coffee, and soft water is also easier on the equipment used for brewing.
Adding a filter will be beneficial since activated carbon filters out extra contaminants in the water, lessen scum, and enhance the normal coffee flavor and quality.
How Do I Get Rid Of Film On My Coffee
How can you remove the film if your coffee is already brewed and there is still one?
You’ll have a choice of two techniques to remove this layer.
- To soak it up, dab it with a paper towel.
- Remove it using a spoon.
Coffee scum is frequently a sign of a well-roasted bean. And even while it could seem uncomfortable, the simplest method to end your problem altogether might be to close your eyes when you take that first sip.
Is Coffee Oil Harmful?
You might be a little startled to find that just because your coffee has oil in it doesn’t mean it’s spoiled. This does not imply that the beans used for brewing are of poor quality.
Coffee with oil is therefore not a bad thing. But societal problems typically have two sides. First, a few users complained that the coffee was of questionable quality and oily.
Studies show claims on both sides, although the sight of this oily film layer can be off-putting in your morning coffee, even if it isn’t harmful.
How To Stop Coffee Film?
As was previously said, there are several potential causes of an oil coating in your coffee cup, including mineral deposits in your coffee pot, cup, bean quality, roasting, hard water, mineral buildup, or leftover soap.
It helps to avoid adding milk or cream to your coffee cup while preparing coffee in a machine to avoid oil buildup on your coffee.
Cleaning your coffee machine is the first step in resolving issues with coffee film. As you usually would, run your coffee maker, but instead of putting the coffee in the basket, pour 1 cup of white vinegar into the well where the water is located.
The acid in the vinegar will dissolve any accumulated minerals in the coffee maker.
Please take note you need to mix 1 cup of white vinegar with 4 cups of water, then pour the mixture into your coffee maker and let it sit for 30 minutes.
After this time, give your coffee maker a hot water rinse to remove any vinegar odor, taste, or wash away mineral deposits.
Also, wash coffee mugs in a solution of two cups of white vinegar to one gallon of hot water. Don’t add soap to the mixture; ensure your morning coffee cups and the pot are thoroughly rinsed and dried before use. (Learn How Much Does A Starbucks Barista Make)
Installing a water softener is a good idea if tap water is hard. Mineral buildup and residue can be prevented in the following coffee brewing sessions by doing this.
You can also use distilled water to make coffee. This type of water doesn’t contain the calcium and bicarbonate ions seen in harder tap water; thus, it won’t cause coffee scum.
Lastly, choose coffee with the proper roasting method that won’t leave a layer of film on your morning coffee if you want to avoid greasy coffee.