A single cup of coffee may be prepared quickly and easily using Keurig coffee makers. However, some users have complained that their Keurig Elite makes an excessively loud humming noise while brewing, although what makes matters worse is why does my Keurig make noise after brewing?
This is incredibly annoying to manage and answer when the machine is off, and you have a brand-new machine. Also, why is it only some Keurig making noise after brewing, and not every model has the same problem?
When brewing coffee, a Keurig will always generate some noise. And, you could find once your Keurig turns on, it will make more noise if it is sitting on a hard surface, clogged with mineral deposits, you have an older model, or there is a fault.
In our guide, you can find why a Keurig Mini makes noise after brewing. You’ll have enough information on how to answer the problem and hopefully stop the noise that is so annoying first thing in the morning. (Learn How Much Vanilla Extract Is Too Much)
Why is My Keurig Coffee Maker So Loud?
1. It’s Rattling on Kitchen Surface
The first thing I would look at if your Keurig makes a loud noise while brewing is the material and technique it is sitting on. For instance, some loud noise may come from your Keurig vibrating and rattling while brewing if placed on a hard surface like granite or a hard and uneven material like tile.
Styrofoam, a rubber plate, a corkboard, or a mouse pad can be placed under the Keurig to ease this problem and stop the brewer from rattling against the hard surface while it is brewing.
Or, you could glue these sticky rubber circles on the bottom of the brewer to lift it off the tabletop and quiet any rattling if you don’t like how your Keurig looks sitting on top of some of these items. Elevating your Keurig off a hard surface should reduce the noise to make it more comfortable, even if it doesn’t entirely quiet it back to normal.
2. The Lines Are Clogged with Mineral Deposits
All tap water contains chemicals, minerals, bacteria, and other microbes. However, when you use water with minerals to make coffee in your Keurig, such as calcium, the minerals can deposit and build up inside the machine when the water is heated, even though most of these chemicals and minerals are beneficial to you.
Therefore, Keurig recommends using filtered or bottled water when brewing because they contain significantly fewer minerals that could clog the coffee machine. However, the maker of the Keurig still recommends that you “descale” the brewer every 3-6 months, even if you use bottled or filtered water with it.
Cleaning your brewer to eliminate calcium deposits that build and may create problems is essentially what descaling your brewer entails. Mineral deposits accumulated within your Keurig may cause loud noises you’re making when brewing if you’ve had it for over six months and haven’t descaled it.
Descaling may resolve the noise problem for some folks. If your Keurig is still making loud noises during brewing, there are additional theories after you’ve descaled it and set it down on a soft surface.
Here’s a quick fix for the Keurig Mini:
- Ensure you have no pod in your machine and the K Cup Holder is empty.
- Ensure you plug the machine into the power socket.
- Hold the brew button for 10 secs. As you hold the brew button, you’ll hear the pump working, and it pushes a little water out.
- Carry out this procedure regularly to purge the lines after regular brewing
3. You Have An Older Model
Your Keurig may also sound excessively loud if it is an older model without silent brewing capabilities. Keurig recently developed “silent brew technology” and incorporated it into their recent brewer models.
You may not understand what “silent brew technology” is; however, if your Keurig model is older and noisy, it might not have this more recent function as in the newer model.
If that’s the case and you’ve already tried the two options listed above, you might need to replace your Keurig with a new machine to stop the noise. (Read Does A Coffee Maker Boil Water)
4. Your Keurig is Broken
The only other possibility for your Keurig to no longer work fine or quietly while brewing and after descaling is that there might be a broken part in your Keurig. The pump is typically broken in a Keurig that is overly noisy. Therefore, the pump inside your machine can be damaged if it’s newer or previously in functioning order.
If so, you can inform Keurig of the issue by email or phone, and they should send you a replacement. The pump system used by Keurig to draw water out of the reservoir and into the brewer was redesigned.
A separate, unrelated pump is used to push hot water through the K-cup. Many people believe that the ‘check valve’ in the unit’s base, directly beneath where the clear reservoir seats itself, is the source of the issue:
The assumption is that especially when the air in the system or the unit is clogged with coffee grounds higher in the system. The tiny pump motor can’t pull hard enough to release the check valve and let water flow through the unit lines.
All newer models of Keurig come with a one-year warranty, so if you’ve had it more than this, you’ll need to get it fixed or treat yourself to a new one. Or opt for a French Press to save money.
Solutions To Fix Keurig Coffee Makers
1. Descale Your Keurig Coffee Machine Regularly
Descale your noisy Keurig machine with either white vinegar or a Keurig Descaling Solution as the best and initial solution. Remove the plug from the wall, as water and electricity don’t mix.
The quick descaling process is listed below.
- All the portable components should first be taken apart and washed adequately with dish soap or a detergent powder.
- After that, make either the Keurig descaling solution or the white vinegar solution as directed on the packet.
- After that, run hot vinegar or Keurig descaling solution through the coffee machine at least twice.
- Run one more brew cycle with hot distilled water to eliminate the vinegar odor and descaling solution residue.
To keep the machine’s peak performance, do this descaling step at least once every week.
Do this in the sink, or you could have more mess to clean.
2. Use Distilled or Bottled Water
Avoid using your regular unfiltered tap water. Rather than using tap water for your Keurig coffee machine, try filtered water.
In the coffee maker’s water pipes or water tank, distilled water does not lead to calcium or mineral deposits. By doing this, you can reduce internal mineral and sediment buildup, which won’t interfere with the operation of water pipes.
As a result, it will aid in maintaining the water tank’s regular operation and prevent any odd noises from being made while drawing water. To reset the machine, press and hold the medium mug while pressing and releasing the menu at the same time. Next, press the small mug and medium mug together.
How Do I Unclog My Keurig Water Line?
Follow these steps to fix a clogged Keurig water line separately after washing your water reservoir.
- To create a diluted solution, prepare a mixture of white vinegar and cold water.
- Fill the reservoir with it until it is two-thirds full.
- The dilute vinegar mixture will pass through the obstructed water line once the machine begins brewing.
- All of the debris will be eliminated.
- A natural, non-toxic cleanser like vinegar aids in removing all the residues and sediments that have built up inside the machine parts.
- The calcium salts and stains created while using hard water are easier to remove because of vinegar’s acidic nature.
- When the vinegar solution has been flushed, place a sizable container underneath the outflow vent and continue to brew.
- Delete the vinegar mixture that was used.
- After that, add new water to the reservoir.
- Run the brew cycle using the water at least two or three times.
- This will enable you to obtain clean water devoid of vinegar’s overpowering smell.
- To remove the debris, you can leave the vinegar water in the reservoir for a while.
How to Properly Clean Keurig Coffee Machine Water Reservoir?
Here is a step-by-step tutorial for cleaning the water reservoir on your Keurig coffee maker.
- You must first completely shut off the machine.
- Disconnect the mains after letting every component adequately shut down on its own.
- Remove the reservoir and its cover as well.
- Thoroughly drain the tank of water.
- The machine’s area where the water reservoir is located should be cleaned.
- The exterior can be cleaned with distilled warm water.
- You can also use dish soap or detergent to clean the reservoir’s interior.
- To get rid of the dirtier stains, remove them in the soapy solution for a while.
- Finally, thoroughly clean the reservoir by running fresh water through it.
Final Thoughts
You have understood all the main reasons your Keurig makes noise. Now you can only hope the above solutions fix your problems and leave you with a clear water tank and water line to avoid any noise. (Read What Does Prog Mean On A Coffee Maker)
Now, grab a new pod and hope it is silent when you brew your coffee, and after it has brewed, you are enjoying your morning cup.