What does it mean to be a barista?
If you’ve ever been to a specialty coffee shop, you’ll notice that the drinks – and even the cup sizes – have strange names. And most likely, you will also have seen a barista in action there.
What is a barista?
A barista prepares espresso-based coffee drinks and works in a specialty coffee shop.
To become a barista, you must learn how to make lots of different kinds of coffee, and you will have to be creative with the preparation.
Barista is a word borrowed from the Italian language, which means ‘bartender.’ In Italy, drinks of all kinds, not just coffee, are served by baristas. In the US, however, this term is usually reserved for those who prepare and serve specialty coffee drinks.
The majority of specialty coffee shops serve espresso-based coffee drinks. This isn’t a specific kind of roast (bean cooking method) or a particular coffee bean; instead, espresso is a novel way of brewing coffee.
Espresso is a richly concentrated kind of coffee prepared by forcing steam and hot water under pressure through coffee grounds, which are packed tightly. It was invented by Angelo Moriondo in Italy in 1884 when he patented the first-ever espresso machine.
Compared with ‘regular’ coffee brews, espresso is thicker, with a more intense taste. Some may like the taste of plain espresso, while others prefer to dilute the drink with milk, water, or other liquids.
For instance, a cappuccino is a coffee drink consisting of one-third espresso, microfoam, and steamed milk. Microfoam is steamed milk, which creates an excellent foamy layer on the drink’s surface and is made using a particular espresso machine.
Baristas frequently use it as a topping for coffee drinks to make creative art on their drinks. A latte is another derivative of espresso, which comprises nearly equal parts of steamed milk and espresso. As per the customer’s preference, it may or may not incorporate a fine microfoam layer.
Some coffee drinkers believe that espresso provides a more significant boost in energy since it has a more substantial amount of caffeine per unit volume than other drinks. However, a typical 2oz serving (aka a double shot) of espresso has roughly the same caffeine as the usual 6oz cup of ‘regular’ brewed coffee.
If you’re considering becoming a barista, start by inquiring about the job from those baristas working at your nearby specialty coffee shop. Many such establishments hire workers and provide them with on-the-job barista training.
If you live in a large city, you may also come across ‘coffee sommeliers.’ These are professional baristas with specialized knowledge about the history of coffee, e.g., brewing and roasting methods, types of beans, latte art, etc. It takes years of work and studies with coffee to become a sommelier.
What are the kinds of coffees that baristas make?
Espresso-based coffee drinks
In its original form, espresso enjoys more popularity in Europe (mainly Italy) than in the States. Although it’s catching on in the US, its derivatives and misconceptions are also gaining considerable popularity.
For example, some believe that espresso refers to the dark, bitter, borderline burnt-flavored coffee roast.
It is not a roast at all – it is merely a particular way of making coffee. Espresso coffee contains a blend of multiple roasts and varietals, which results in a bold (but not bitter) taste.
The finely ground coffee is packed tightly (referred to as tamping) into a ‘portafilter,’ after which high-pressure water is made to pass through the grounds and extracted in tiny, concentrated amounts. The key here is intensity – there’s a reason why it is called an espresso shot!
Pure Espresso
This is the intense taste of coffee Europeans enjoy – which many Americans are still hesitant to try. Pure espresso is served in small demitasse cups and consumed quickly after extraction in these kinds of servings:
- Ristretto: The ‘short shot’ is the first three-fourth ounce of espresso from the extraction, regarded by many as the ideal espresso.
- Single Shot: A one-ounce espresso shot.
- Lungo: Also known as the ‘long shot,’ this is a 1.5oz espresso shot.
- Double shot: This isn’t simply a two-ounce espresso shot; it uses double the amount of coffee in the portafilter, while the lesser chances incorporate the regular single serving.
- Espresso Machiatto: Despite how Starbucks has popularized ‘Machiatto’ as a brand name, it is a simple drink with no caramel/chocolate treatment, which is more suitable for an ice-cream parlor. It is a plain espresso shot layered with foamed milk.
- Espresso con Panna: An espresso shot incorporating whipped cream.
- Café Breve: A shot of espresso, which is half and half steamed, i.e., light cream.
- Cappuccino: Yet another drink plagued by misconceptions. Named so because of its likeness to the color of the garb of Capuchin monks, it is a plain espresso shot combined with milk and doesn’t necessarily have the dry, frothy foam on it.
- Café Latte: This is a trendy coffee drink in America because of its mellow and sweet flavor. A shot of espresso is mixed with six to eight ounces of steamed milk and then topped with foam (at your discretion). A Latte without the foam is called a Flat White. A double espresso shot is frequently employed since it is difficult to find a super-sized US latte smaller than twelve ounces. If you want more caffeine, you can increase the number of shots!
With some small variations, it is also called Café con Leche / Café Au Lait – this depends on whether your coffee spirit is channeling French or Spanish. - Café Americano: This is a watered-down espresso shot, resulting in a flavor similar to a regular coffee brew—one shot of espresso (1oz) with 6 to 8oz of hot water.
- Flavored Espresso Drinks: These are the same drinks as the ones listed above but with flavored syrups added in the process somewhere. For example, Café Mocha is a latte in which the steamed milk has chocolate syrup added to it.
- Iced Coffee: The ideal or perfect iced coffee is an elusive thing. Coffee with added ice cubes results in a cold and water drink. Start with strong coffee – with caffeine content stronger than your average hot brewed drink. Go for darker, bolder-tasting roasts. Brew it strongly. You may brew it twice by pouring the hot coffee onto fresh grinds – just like running the coffee back inside the coffeemaker and brewing again. Add spices like cardamom or sugar before chilling so they can adequately dissolve. You may add ice cubes at this point, but it’s better to let the drink chill in the fridge for some hours / overnight so the ice doesn’t melt as quickly. Once the drink is chilled, pour over ice and mix it with either whole milk or half and half, according to taste.
You can add your favorite flavors (e.g., chocolate syrup for iced mocha). These cold coffee drinks will fire you up, so use the energy boost to get the most out of an afternoon workout session.
A barista’s work environment and schedule
Baristas may work in independent coffee shops and in book stores, department stores, or other business-related places.
They are expected to spend most (sometimes all) of their shift on their feet, helping customers and attending to their needs. When there are no customers, they must utilize their time to clean their immediate working place and other areas of the establishment.
Many coffee shops open up early in the morning and close in the evening, equating to 2 full-time shifts. Those who require a part-time job but must work in the day will find this an appealing schedule.
They are still usually expected to work during weekends and holidays, though. So, to add to the question of what baristas are, they’re professionals who must be dedicated to their job and ready for hard work.
A barista’s job description:
Before considering how to become a barista, you must also be aware of the products and services you’ll be providing in this field:
- Ensure that customers know the products and services the establishment offers.
- Maintain the most consistent, top-quality product standards.
- Follow all company procedures and drink recipes.
- Pass re-certification tests every month punctually.
- Develop an appreciation of tea and coffee regions and the many differences between blends and flavors.
- Expertly prepare hot blends and cold beverages on the store’s menu.
- Great for each customer with prompt, personalized, and friendly service. Be sure to become familiar with their names and favorite foods and drinks.
- Receive and call back customer orders verbally in a friendly way.
- Report complaints made by customers to the manager on duty.
- Proactively respond to minimize customer service occurrences.
- Ring sales orders into the cash register accurately and count back change to the customer in a friendly, courteous way.
- Answer phone calls in a friendly, courteous way, which includes, but isn’t limited to, giving store greetings, address directions, and receiving/filling orders by customers.
- Weigh, grind, and pack coffee according to the orders made by the customer as per the company’s guidelines.
- Sell and serve baked goods and other food items to customers.
- Maintain a friendly and efficient service.
Now that you’re well aware of what becoming a barista is all about, it’s time to discuss the education / official requirements of the trade, e.g., barista license and degree.
Do you need formal training to work as a barista in the United States?
Even though there aren’t strict stipulations on barista training for those who wish to join the field, most employers will need at least a GED or a high school diploma. Although high school students can perform the job functions just as well as graduates, the hours aren’t great.
Keep in mind that people love their coffee early in the morning to start their day and late at night to work those extra hours, and this doesn’t go well with the schedule of a normal high school student.
If you want to work at one of the better coffee shops in your area, you’ll want to take professional coffee barista training courses first.
What is the fuss about getting a barista certification?
Even though barista course training isn’t needed, the field is incredibly competitive regarding hourly wages, schedule flexibility, and the general love people have for coffee, making it a desirable job. Baristas, regardless of their skill level, are expected to keep on honing their craft while simultaneously providing their best service to the customer.
This is where barista learning courses come in – with the coffee industry increasing in scope and evolving daily. With consumers getting more aware of what they drink, it is imperative to develop your barista skills and knowledge to stay ahead of the competition.
The popularity of proper training among aspiring baristas can be judged by the fact that, in recent years, barista training online courses have begun to spring up! These let you develop your skills at your own pace and are great for those who don’t have the resources to commute to and from a physical institute.
However, getting hands-on with the gear is only possible with conventional training programs, so they are still preferred.
Barista training qualifications in the United States
International Barista Coffee Academy (IBCA):
Coffee Introduction:
This barista course lays the groundwork for all other IBCA coffee classes and is an excellent way to get familiar with the IBCA curriculum. It is designed for those who are entirely new to the coffee industry and will give them an idea of whether they are suited for this profession.
They will get a general overview of coffee and have the opportunity to explore the various directions they can take in the specialty coffee industry. This Full Day IBCA course costs $295 and gives an SCAE certification.
Barista Classes:
- Barista Foundation: This coffee class introduces essential barista skills to those who have never worked in the industry. Successful students can calibrate their grinders and prepare espresso, lattes, cappuccino, and steamed milk as per core standards. This full-day course costs $340 without the SCAE certification and $425 with the SCAE certification.
- Barista Intermediate: To take this course, the student must already have cleared the SCAE/IBCA Barista Foundation Level course. This course is based upon the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe’s Diploma System training mechanism. The first part of this intensive training course will educate students about the history of coffee and green coffee, roasting, brewing, grinding, extraction and preparation, service skills, water, milk, cleaning, presentation, and sensory technology. The second portion will cover practical espresso stations, grinder training, grinder adjustment, extraction, espresso machines, and pulling the ideal shot of espresso. Students will be taught milk, steaming, and texturing techniques, besides getting hands-on training in preparing traditional espresso, latte, and cappuccino. The class will end with the learning of essential latte art. This two-day course comes with an SCAE Certification and costs $775.
- Barista Professional Level: To take this course, the student must already have cleared the SCAE/IBCA Barista Intermediate Level course. Like the Intermediate Level course, the Professional Level barista class is based on the SCAE training program. It is a three-day intensive training class that comprehensively covers coffee history, green coffee and its retail, certifications, value-added coffee labels, roasting, grinding, extraction, brewing, preparation, water, milk, presentation, service skills, maintenance, cleaning, sensory cup technology, and health and coffee. The class’s second half is spent refining grinding, extracting, and milk texturing skills. A session will follow this to improve Latte Art skills. The 3-day IBCA Course and the SCAE certification will cost $925.
Coffee Roasting Classes:
Before taking this class, the student must have completed the Sensory Cup Tasting and Green Coffee Foundation Level courses.
- Roasting Foundation Level: This class focuses on fundamental understanding (primarily physical) of coffee and its roasting process. The students will distinguish between green and roasted coffee, identify a variation in the roaster’s flame control, repeat the procedure of timing a roast’s temperature evolution, repeat weighing and recording the moisture content of green and roasted coffee, and learn to tell the first crack. This full-day IBCA course costs $615 without the SCAE certification and $695 with it.
- Roasting Intermediate Level: The student must have cleared the IBCA / SCAE Roasting Foundation Level course to apply. This class will teach students to quickly identify the range of roasted coffee colors and understand the effects of using various roast profiles. The student will learn the steps needed to install a coffee roaster (this includes multiple heat and energy sources and materials required for a professional-grade roaster). The student will be guided through the stages of roasting, physical and chemical reactions, the browning process, and the effect of various environmental conditions on the roast. They will detect various roasting defects, the impact of air on roasting, machine maintenance, and stopping potential roaster fires. Lastly, the student will be educated on the multiple types of roasters and the tools required to set up and implement a standard micro-roasting facility. This 2-3 day IBCA Course costs $1,095, including the SCAE certification.
- Roasting Professional Level: To take this class, the student must have cleared the SCAE/IBCA Roasting Intermediate Level. This course takes a more practical approach than the Intermediate Level, giving the student more depth into roasting. The student will spend more time in actual roasting sessions, roasting three batches of the same coffee to a specified color range (with an accuracy of ten points) as a target. In a cup-tasting session, they will be taught to identify coffee roasted at various times and temperatures. The course delves deeper into coffee science, chemical composition and reactions, and profile roasting. This 3-4 day coffee roasting training session costs $1,695, along with the SCAE Certification.
Sensory Cup Tasting Classes:
These classes will teach the basics of formal coffee analysis and cup-tasting protocol, cultivate sharp sensory skills, and use proper terminology used by industry experts.
The course will provide an understanding of the essentials of formal coffee analysis, teach how to prepare a cup-tasting session with proper utensils and tools and inform the student about the grind, weights, and measurements used in formal cup-tasting. The student will be taught how to utilize their sensory perceptions and jargon in the industry.
This is a prep course for the CDS certification in Sensory Cup Tasting.
If taken as a full day course, without the SCAE certification, it costs $415, if taken as a full day course with the SCAE foundation certification, it costs $495, if taken as a 2-day course with the SCAE intermediate certification, it costs $795. If taken as a 3-4 day course with the professional SCAE certification, it costs $1,025.
Green coffee:
This class will teach you the important background of the history and science of the immature/unroasted coffee bean (i.e., the actual ‘seed’). The course will cover every aspect of green coffee, from agronomy and botany to decaffeination and storage.
You will learn about various stages and aspects of coffee, such as botany and agronomy, processing and storage, decaffeination and grinding. You will gain an understanding of how these factors come together to affect the cup and the coffee’s taste. Each of the three classes will cover to varying depths, the essential principles of green coffee by examining its process from product to roaster.
The professional-level class will provide considerably more knowledge about the commercial and financial mechanics applied to the industry, which includes global, national, and local sales systems.
The full-day course without the SCAE certification costs $455, the full-day course with the foundation level SCAE certification costs $535, the 2-3 day course with the intermediate SCAE certification costs $885, and the 3-4 day course with the professional SCAE certification costs $1,385.
Brewing classes:
These classes will teach you the significance and interaction of all extraction and grinding methods, besides the brewing styles, which are standard in the specialty coffee industry. These courses are great prep for the Green Coffee class.
Students will gain the skills needed for preparing coffee with regard to the significance and interaction of all extraction and grinding methods. Improve the knowledge and skills of different grinding and extraction methods to make students able to ascertain the factors that are essential concerning quality and brew style. The students will also be able to execute and evaluate every brew method they’ve been taught.
The advanced class will let students apply their knowledge to create a brewing method most suited to their style and unique requirements.
The full-day course without an SCAE certification costs $340, the full-day course with the SCAE Brewing Introduction certification costs $425, the 2-day course with the Advanced Brewing Intermediate certification costs $775, and the 3-day course with the Advanced Grinding+Brewing Professional SCAE Certification costs $925.
Home Enthusiast Workshops:
- Home Barista Workshop: This fun and informative class encompasses the fundamentals of espresso coffee, grinders and machines, proper techniques for grinder adjustment, and correct pulling of espresso shots. The course will also cover the basics of homebrewing methods such as ‘pour-over,’ French press, and filter coffee. In the end, the class will review adequate machine cleaning and maintenance. Students will acquire a healthy amount of knowledge on home-brewing coffee options through this two-hour class, which costs $75.
- Home Roasting Workshop: This is an enjoyable, informative class covering the basics of coffee picking, green coffee, processing and milling styles, terminology, grading, origins of coffee, and where to purchase home roasting machines.
The class will give you lots of information on roasting culture, and you’ll have the chance to roast some batches of coffee on a sample roaster that you can take home and enjoy. The class lasts for two hours and costs $75.
Maintenance and Technician Classes:
This course is excellent for coffee enthusiasts, coffee shop managers, and owners, and general technicians who want to sharpen their repair skills and provide technical and maintenance services to clients. This class can only be taken by appointment, and is designed to be a necessary one-day class, an advanced three-day class, or an intensive five-day class:
Basic Maintenance + Technical Class:
This class will be covering:
- Tea brewers/filter coffee, an overview of standard machines, and standard troubleshooting.
- Advanced tea brewer/filter coffee plus programming for profile brewing.
- Overview of basic filter coffee grinders plus advanced programming for profile brewing.
- Traditional semi-auto and auto espresso machines overview.
- Overview of espresso grinders – traditional dosing type versus on-demand.
This will be a one-day class costing $595 in total.
Advanced Maintenance + Technical Class:
This class will cover the material from the basic class as well as:
- The hydraulic circuit of standard espresso machines, semi-automatic and automatic. The course will encompass a full typical hydraulic circuit of the machine above classes and take them apart to the boiler, handle troubleshooting, components, and possible issues you may face, and then bring it together into a single unit again.
- Electronics and electrical aspects of traditional espresso machines, both auto and semi-auto.
- Parts, types, sales, and schedules, which include filtration PMs.
- Traditional machine resources: This portion will cover the resources available for machines, parts, and techniques that can aid infiltration, installation supplies, and troubleshooting. You will be provided with a full contact list.
- Overview of super-automatics, their programming, learning their program codes and keys.
- Espresso making plus milk frothing via MPS and turbo steam, tips, and tricks to ensure that the machine functions as per customer’s requirements with the milk and coffee.
- Resources for supers – those for machines, techs, and parts that can aid in filtration, installation supplies, and troubleshooting; you’ll be given a complete list of contacts.
- Getting close with supers.
- You will disassemble a Cimbali M1 MPS and a Cimbali M2 Turbo and cover components, electronics, electrical, hydraulics, and troubleshooting.
This three-day course will cost you $1,395 in all.
Intensive Maintenance + Technical Class:
The course covers all topics from the advanced class, as well as:
- A full day of field experience – you will follow the institute’s technician on scheduled work to perform PMs on both traditional machines and super-autos. You will observe and perform at least three service calls on machines in the field, including grinders and filter coffee machines. A one-hour lunch break will be a part of the field experience.
- Review & Practice: You will have the first half of the day to review, inquire, and make notes. You can then practice on any machine you want.
- Resources, selling PMs, housekeeping – The contacts and tools needed for supplies, machines, and parts will be reviewed.
This will be a five-day course costing $2,795.
Other courses and consulting services: These options are available on student/client demand. Additional services and information not otherwise offered in the IBCA curriculum are provided here.
American Barista and Coffee School (ABC):
[Corporate and Entrepreneurship training offered by Bellissimo coffee advisors]
ABC’s workshops are made to provide you with the training and information you need to be successful in today’s highly competitive specialty coffee market. These sessions include demos and lectures, followed by practical learning.
Small workshop sizes ensure a personalized learning experience under the tutelage of coffee business professionals who have owned and successfully run coffee businesses.
The ABC’s modern espresso lab has the latest products and equipment from the specialty coffee industry’s top companies and actual coffee bar setting for hands-on practice. Here, you can acquire the skills required for developing your business’s menu and preparing espresso drinks, smoothies, blender drinks, and light food items like a panini.
This methodology, which provides total immersion in the classroom, lets you gain competency and confidence to open and run your coffee business efficiently.
Business & Barista & Roasting Workshop:
This intensive six-day workshop costs $3195 and includes lectures on starting up, operations & management, and practical training in the espresso lab for learning proper drink/food preparation.
It lasts almost a week and is designed for prospective business owners, entrepreneurs, barista trainers, coffee bar owners, and managers. The students are passionate about making it big in the specialty coffee industry and want to cultivate the skills and dedication needed to become master baristas.
The business subjects include Dealing with Employees, Marketing Your Business, Financial Projections, Operational Systems and Controls, Employee Training, Interviewing and Hiring Employees, Menu/Products/Recipes/Prices, Selecting Equipment, Café Ambience, Coffee Bar Design, Negotiating a Lease, Finding a Location, Acquiring Financing, Business Plans, Business.
Planning, Concept Development, and A Brief History of the Specialty Coffee Industry.
The espresso lab’s practical subjects include Principles of Latte Art, Pouring Latte Art class, Customer Service, Coffee History, Cleaning and Machine Maintenance, Food in You Operation Discussion, Smoothie and Granita Overview, Blended Drinks, Hot and Cold Drink Recipe Basics, Steaming and Foaming Milk for Lattes and Cappuccinos, Grinder and Machine Basis, Pulling the Perfect Shot of espresso, Tamping and Extracting Espresso and Grinding.
The roasting lab’s practical courses cover practical roasting on a roaster sample and full-size (18 kilos) production roasting workshop; roasting at three separate roast levels; selecting green coffee and getting it delivered (directly or via importers); roaster mechanism – how the coffee seed is toasted, roasting history; and an introduction to the types of roasters (drum, air) and the sizes for your business.
Le Nez Du Café – a discussion and demo on aroma sensory, cupping of prior roasts, and analysis of profile differences. Blending concepts, cupping of regional varieties, and processes. Discussion of regional roast profile and process – their differences and similarities. Open forum and questions and answers.
Business & Barista Workshop:
This intensive 5-day workshop costs $2975 and incorporates lectures on starting, operating, and managing as well as practical training in the espresso lab and learning adequate food and drink preparation. This immersion-style class is meant for barista trainers, managers, coffee bar owners prospective owners, and entrepreneurs with a genuine passion for running a successful specialty coffee establishment as master baristas.
The business subjects include Dealing with Employees, Marketing Your Business, Financial Projections, Operational Systems and Controls, Employee Training, Interviewing and Hiring Employees, Menu/Products/Recipes/Prices, Selecting Equipment, Café Ambience, Coffee Bar Design, Negotiating a Lease, Finding a Location, Acquiring Financing, Business Plans, Business Planning, Concept Development, and A Brief History of the Specialty Coffee Industry.
The espresso lab’s practical subjects include Principles of Latte Art, Pouring Latte Art class, Customer Service, Coffee History, Cleaning and Machine Maintenance, Food in You Operation Discussion, Smoothie and Granita Overview, Blended Drinks, Hot and Cold Drink Recipe Basics, Steaming and Foaming Milk for Lattes and Cappuccinos, Grinder and Machine Basis, Pulling the Perfect Shot of espresso, Tamping and Extracting Espresso and Grinding.
Barista Training Workshop:
This 2.5-day class, costing $1495, is full of intensive practical training meant to enhance your barista skills and understanding of coffee significantly.
The one-of-a-kind ‘Train, the Trainer’ approach, is an optimal blend of real-life situations, drink drills, and detail-focused instructions, which will prepare you for successfully running a top-notch coffee bar and teaching other establishment members to do the same.
During this class, you’ll be taught the following basic skills:
- Menu development
- Milk steaming
- Equipment maintenance and operation
- Latte art
- Espresso extraction
- Workflow
- Efficiency and organization
- Speed
The objective is to make every student confident and able to run their very own coffee bar with excellence and knowledge.
This workshop is offered in Portland, Oregon, and Long Island City, New York.
ABC also offers customized 1 to 5-day workshops for your staff and company. These can be tailored to meet your needs and focus on practical training, latte art, coffee education, retail coffee business strategies, etc. For information, call 800-655-3955.
Barista Competition/Latte Art Workshop [1-5 Days]:
It can be quite an overwhelming thought to enter a barista completion. There are plenty of factors to bear in mind, from your coffee’s source to what your menu must be like. The American Barista & Coffee School has joined hands with world-class former judges, competitors, and Portland pros to create a 5-day in-depth competition training program.
Besides the daily grueling competition practice, they’ll tap into the resources of local dairies, farms, coffee roasters, chefs, and artists to aid you in developing your competition program. The weeklong training will be lots of fun and hard work and, most importantly, will get you ready to step onto the competition floor without breaking a sweat.
This workshop is customized to meet the requirements of each attendee and is led by US Barista Championship and Latte Art Competition judges and competitors.
Corporate Workshops [1-5 Days]:
Plenty of companies in the coffee industry require specific knowledge to prosper. The certain business wishes to establish themselves in specialty coffee, but they need guidance and information for that first.
ABC provides a think tank setting for your company reps, free from the everyday demands of regular company business. In this workshop, they get educated on specialty coffee and can design your establishment’s strategy. Suppose your company isn’t present in the coffee industry but wishes to enter it in the future. In that case, this program can aid you in developing and fine-tuning a particular business plant that complies with the goals and mission of your business.
ABC’s knowledge of the industry and its expertise in PR and marketing make it a logical choice for businesses that wish to expand or create their programs. With American Barista and Coffee’s corporate consulting and training services, your business can enhance its prominence and bottom line.
On-site barista Training and Consultation:
If you can’t travel to Portland, Oregon, to take their classes, don’t sweat because ABC can bring the courses to you. They can visit your business to set up training and collaborate with your organization in person.
But these aren’t the only barista training USA options open to you, as you’ll discover in the next section…
Barista Salary & Job Prospects
It is a good idea to know about the scope of this trade in various locations across the country to base yourself there. This means you should look for barista classes from a coffee school in a state where the pay is best, so you have the most excellent chances of breaking even quickly with your initial education investment.
National Wage Information
The majority of baristas make the minimum wage in their state, or a little more than that. The minimum wage in 2012 was $7.25 an hour. According to Labor Statistics Bureau, as of 2011, coffee shop attendants, as well as other food counter attendants, made an average annual salary of $19,450 and $9.35 an hour. It was reported that fifty percent of all coffee shop & food counter attendants earned from $8.26 to $9.82 an hour.
Pay by state
According to 2011 records, the state that paid the most in this profession was Nevada, spending an average of $23,030 annually and $11.07 an hour. Behind it was the District of Columbia, with an aggregate hourly wage of $10.58. High wages of $10-$10.25 were reported for several states, including Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii, Texas, and California.
Several states paid lower average wages ranging from $8 to $8.50 an hour, including West Virginia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kansas, Oklahoma, Chicago, and Wyoming.
Initial pay
According to the BLS, baristas who aren’t dependent on tips typically start making minimum wage. The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour in 32 states. However, 18 states, as well as DC, have greater minimum wage requirements.
For instance, Rhode Island and Michigan must start at a minimum wage of $7.40 an hour. Those who work in Washington, the focal point of modern American coffee shops, would be given a substantial minimum wage of $9.04 an hour.
Job outlook
As per the BLS, employment growth in the coffee shop industry is expected to be at 6 percent in the current decade. This is low relative to the mean growth rate of 14%, expected across all professions this decade.
Despite this relatively sluggish growth rate, job chances for those who want to become baristas are predicted to be excellent because of a comparatively high turnover rate among food service workers.
With all that said and done, it is now time for you to pick the right barista school and start learning. Cheap barista courses may seem reasonable to those on a tight budget, but try to go for a reasonably priced yet comprehensive course.